Welcome to the Scottish Rite Orient of Montana, Southern Jursidiction

The Scottish Rite is a Masonic organization that continues a Master Mason's education of the first three degrees. We are known as the University of Freemasonry. The Scottish Rite consists of the 4th through 32nd Degree.

Scottish Rite Creed

Human progress is our cause,
liberty of thought our supreme wish,
freedom of conscience our mission,
and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere our ultimate goal.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, SJ, to improve its members and enhance the communities in which they live by teaching and emulating the principles of Brotherly Love, Tolerance, Charity, and Truth, while actively embracing high social, moral, and spiritual values, including fellowship, compassion, and dedication to God, family, and country.

Montana Scottish Rite Valleys

The Scottish Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry that a Master Mason may join. Montana is home to nine Scottish Rite Valleys.

Scottish Rite Orient of Montana

The Scottish Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry that a Master Mason may join. Montana is home to six Scottish Rite Valleys.

North America:
Southern Jurisdiction
E: Help Desk

Become a Member

Discover how you can join the Scottish Rite Fraternity. Master Masons from the age of 18 and older are able to apply to this fraternity.

Learn More

Download The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry mobile app For Members.

Manage you membership profile, pay your dues, and access our member-only content and social community. Participate in a wide variety of social media channels across the numerous Scottish Rite Valleys.

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